The positive and negative outcomes of deception or disguising your identity are both possible. The themes in Hamlet by Shakespeare and The Pearl That Broke Its Shell by Nadia Hasmini are important to the novels. Deception is a theme that can be found in many novels. Hamlet’s character and Rahima of the Pearl that Broke its Shell are two characters that show deception as a way to demonstrate character development.

Hamlet by Shakespeare is a play that deals with deception, disguise and revenge. The play is centered around revenge and deception. Hamlet becomes determined to bring justice to his father’s murder when he learns that his Uncle killed him. Hamlet’s deception can be seen when he replies, “Seems” madam? It is not. I do not know’seems’. The only thing that truly defines me is not the inky cloak I wear, my good mother. Or the black suits worn by men in a solemn manner. Or the forced wind in my face. The actions are those that a human being might take. I, however, have my own inner character. Hamlet is saying that he feels more grief than he appears to for the death of his father. Claudius Gertrude is also implied as being fake, disingenuous, and not caring for Hamlet. Hamlet pretends to be a victim and hides his true identity. This allows him to carry out his revenge plan against the king. Hamlet is angry by what happened, but using deception is a way for him to cope. Hamlet waits to kill the king out of fear that he’ll be punished for it. Hamlet describes his feelings in act 3, which are crashing his confidence. Shakespeare says “To be or to not be” in a famous line. He begins to have suicidal ideas. Hamlet describes the way he feels. He’s contemplating whether he wants to die or not. Hamlet is trying to decide if he wants freedom from misery. Hamlet is shown to develop his character by delaying the killing of the king. Hamlet fears that he might face a similarly fated death and wishes to remain pure. Hamlet used to be certain that he would kill the king as a way to avenge his father’s death. However, now, he has doubts about whether or not it is the best idea to do so. Hamlet is now a more mature person and understands the importance of what he must do. Hamlet kills the King, but he is a changed man. “The readiness” (Shakespeare) is what makes him a confident person. Hamlet is able to change as a personality by using deception.

Nadia Hashimi’s The Pearl That Broke It’s Shell also has a strong theme about deception. Rahima, a girl growing up in Afghanistan, does not enjoy the same freedoms as a boy. She has to go through a lot of things as a child in order to get the same rights as a man. Rahima leaves her abusive spouse and hides her true identity. Rahima lived as a boy in bacha for years when she was young. Rahima declared that she felt sick before the escape. “It must have been a meal she had last night”. Rahima makes up the excuse that she is sick in order to avoid going to freedom with her family. She used her bacha posh identity to get away from her husband when the time came. She felt comfortable as a male, as she said: “Funny… I’m so comfortable even though I have a burning nerve”. Rahima hs heard many stores about her great-great-grandmother who dreamt of freedom and attained it, now Rahima’s only goal was to follow Sheikiba’s instructions and make her way there. It is not allowed for females to wander around alone. She decides not to reveal her true gender, but rather pretends to be male. The themes of lying and concealing one’s identity play a crucial role in this novel. They help to develop Rahima as a character. She can earn the rights she deserves and achieve her freedom. Rahima is encouraged to conceal herself because she lives in a society where inequality is a major factor.

In both novels, Hamlet and Rahima are able to achieve their goals by deceiving and hiding their identities. They were able develop gradually into people who are confident and able achieve their goals.


  • stanleyknight

    Stanley Knight is a 29yo educational blogger and school teacher. He is a self-taught teacher and blogger who is passionate about helping others learn and succeed. He has been teaching children since he was age 7, and his blog has been helping him learn more about himself, the world around him, and how to be the best he can be. He is currently a teacher in a small town in Louisiana, and he loves every minute of it.